Now that we are settling into 2014, you are probably realizing that entitling your property is becoming urgent. If you are looking to have finished lots in 2015, you should begin the entitlement/re-approval process now.
Entitlement time frames differ from municipality to municipality. Processing properties from zoning to recorded final plat can be achieved in 18 months. Silver Fern has years of experience successfully navigating through the process, avoiding delays and mitigating future impacts.
Entitlement Tips from the Experts:
- General Plan amendment requests are heard once a year.
- Consideration for annexation requires adjacency to municipality boundaries and includes a public process with multiple hearings governed by statute. A well-managed team can deliver approvals in 6 months.
- Many jurisdictions allow zoning approvals concurrent with the annexation and typically require 6 to 7 months.
- Specialized zoning classifications such as planned area development (PAD), planned community development (PCD) or planned residential development (PRD) allows flexibility in standards. A well drafted narrative is the basis for success.
- Obtaining civil plan and final plat/site plan approvals should be achieved within 6 to 8 months predicated on the jurisdictional review schedules.
Silver Fern Companies’ staff value engineer and push your schedules hard, to ensure you are getting the most out of every minute and every dollar.